Hanukkah Help for Everyone

I like to think I’m well-informed about things and Hanukkah is no exception. I learned about it for three minutes during an assembly in Kindergarten, I had a Jewish acquaintance in middle school, and I know every word to Adam Sandler’s Chanukah Song, so I figured I knew everything there is to know about the … Read More.

The Great Debate, Gratitude and Gift Guides

The phrase “staunch believer” is an understatement when it comes to how I feel about waiting until the day after Thanksgiving to begin celebrating Christmas. I’m not going to say there was once an instance in college where some of my roommates and I did not speak to others for a time based on how … Read More.

Easy Apple Preservation – Winter is Coming

I don’t know if this is a phenomenon specific to people in Kentucky, people in America, or people in any certain group, but about mid-August it seems like everyone I know starts losing their minds about fall. They want to perpetually drink aggressively hot beverages while wearing one or more scarves and eating exclusively pumpkin-flavored … Read More.

Tofurkey Products Returning To Shelves Soon

Tofurkey makes some of our best-loved products, but the company has been having some significant issues lately which has prevented us from being able to offer things like their ever-popular deli slices among other things. Liana Davis, Customer Service Representative for the Tofurkey Company expects production to be back to normal by the end of … Read More.

A Changing Grocery Landscape, A Growing Need For Co-ops

It’s now been three years since your Board of Directors granted me the privilege to lead Good Foods Co-op following the retirement of long-time General Manager Anne Hopkins in 2014.  In that time, Lexington has seen incredible change in the local grocery market, mirroring the industry trends occurring nationwide. Euclid Kroger reopened shortly after I … Read More.

Help Us Help Houston

We’re collecting donations for victims of Hurricane Harvey thanks to our Give Where You Live partner God’s Pantry Food Bank and their parent organization Feeding America. You can drop bottled water and non-perishable ready-to-eat food (like protein bars, nuts, etc.) at the barrel in our cafe. To donate money directly to Feeding America’s hurricane relief … Read More.

Dine Out for Life

Fighting AIDS is as easy as eating at your favorite co-op! September 14th we’ll be joining restaurants all over the city to donate 25% of the profits from every meal purchased to AVOL, an organization that seeks to stop the spread of AIDS and empower those who are affected by it. A portion of this … Read More.

September Sampling Saturday

Summer may be unofficially coming to a close this weekend, but we’re keeping the party going with Sampling Saturday. You can come meet the people behind some of your favorite local products and you can try something new. We have Jun Bug, Baqua, Nate’s Coffee, Bev’s Best Brittle, Uncle Kenny, City Roastery, and Sassa Bella … Read More.

Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Good Foods Co-op is proud to be a sponsor of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival. It’s a celebration and motivation of community and activism and now the California-based event is coming to Lexington Thursday, August 17th! You can learn more at their website: https://www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/ and buy tickets at the Kentucky Theater’s website: http://www.kentuckytheater.com/