The Good Foods' Blog

Eat Less Sugar (You’re Sweet Enough Already)

Look away from the cupcake! Yep. That’s what we should do. But it’s just so gosh darn hard to resist. And even if we do, sugar is such a sneaky thing – lurking in 70-80% of the foods on the grocery store shelves. Knowledge is empowering though. So when we understand the impact of sugar on our bodies. When we learn to spot the hidden sugars. And when we open our eyes to see a whole wide world of wonderful sugar-free foods… We tap into our own super powers – and start taming that sugar dragon into the gecko that it truly is. Sign-up now, to find a healthy, happy space for sugar in your life!
Class Objective:
By the end of this class, students will have a basic understanding of how sugar effects our bodies (including why we crave sugar) and how to spot the hidden sugars in our foods. Then learn some practical tips for making healthier decisions about foods, particularly for eating less sugar.
Supplies that students should bring:
A pen for taking notes. Paper is optional, as a handout is provided. It can be helpful to start keeping a food journal for 3-5 days before the class. It doesn’t need to be written – it can consist of photos – but should include everything consumed (food and drinks) during this time. Students won’t be asked to share this, but having a clear understanding of what they have been eating as they “digest” the information provided in the class can help them make the mental shifts towards better, healthier food decisions.
Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite or at the Co-op and are $13 for owners, $15 for general admission.