The Good Foods' Blog

Film Series: “Evolution of Organic”

The July feature in our 2018 Film Series is “Evolution of Organic”. Join us for the FREE screening at 7 pm and stick around afterward for discussion.

Evolution of Organic brings us the story of organic agriculture, told by those who built the movement. A motley crew of back-to-the-landers, spiritual seekers and farmers’ sons and daughters reject chemical farming and set out to explore organic alternatives. It’s a heartfelt journey of change from a small band of rebels to a cultural transformation in the way we grow and eat food. By now organic has gone mainstream – split into an industry oriented toward bringing organic to all people, and a movement that has realized a vision of sustainable agriculture.

Watch the trailer HERE

Mark you calendar for many more thought-provoking films to be screened at Good Foods Co-op through the end of the year:

August 8 – Dr. Feelgood

September 12 – Shift Change

October 10 – Planeat

November 14 – Bringing It Home

December 12 – Just Eat It