The Good Foods' Blog

Film Series: “Shift Change”

The September feature in our 2018 Film Series is “Shift Change”. Join us for the FREE screening at 7 pm and stick around afterward for discussion.

SHIFT CHANGE is a documentary film by veteran award-winning filmmakers Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin. It tells the little known stories of employee owned businesses that compete successfully in today’s economy while providing secure, dignified jobs in democratic workplaces.

With the long decline in US manufacturing and today’s economic crisis, millions have been thrown out of work, and many are losing their homes. The usual economic solutions are not working, so some citizens and public officials are ready to think outside of the box, to reinvent our failing economy in order to restore long term community stability and a more egalitarian way of life.

Watch the trailer HERE

Mark you calendar for many more thought-provoking films to be screened at Good Foods Co-op through the end of the year:

October 10 – Planeat

November 14 – Bringing It Home

December 12 – Just Eat It