The Good Foods' Blog

Prepping Chickens for Winter

Helping chickens survive and thrive during the cold winter months can be intimidating but with a few tips and tricks, your birds will remain happy and healthy. This class aims to help you keep your flock comfortable all season.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Travis Robinson has kept chickens in his backyard for at least 10 years. He is interested in using chicken-keeping to increase access to food at a hyper-local level and in developing our “egg-shed” (not altogether different from a “watershed) to build a resilient community. He is also interested in how chickens can help build healthy soil and compost food waste. He consults with current and future chicken-keepers on best practices and presents at fairs and festivals whenever he has the opportunity. Passing along his chicken knowledge is a passion.

Tickets are free but required and can be reserved here.