The Good Foods' Blog

Self-Compassionate Nutrition and Exercise

We’ll be focusing on the Intuitive Eating principles of “Gentle Nutrition and Excercise” and discuss the ways we can participate in these acts of self-care without the restrictive or punishing mindset. We’ll talk about ways of eating and moving that suit us individually and that add joy to our lives without making us feel deprived.

Tickets are $5 for general admission and $3 for owners and can be purchased online here or in-store at our Hospitality Desk.

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORS: Kathryn Dickens is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist as well as the Staff Dietitian at Good Foods Co-op. She is passionate about helping individuals heal their relationships with food and body so they can live their fullest life now. Annie Koempel is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She has played many roles as an RDN including program manager, nutrition instructor, tutor and counselor.