The Good Foods' Blog

Town Hall Forum

Growing Good Foods: A Conversation on Achieving a

Viable Co-op Economy

The Good Foods Co-op Board of Directors invites you to participate in open discussion at aTown Hall forum. Board Members and Staff will be on hand to engage in meaningful conversation about the movement of Good Foods Co-op to meet our Shared Vision of being at the forefront of a vibrant cooperative economy.

The Town Hall Forums will provide an opportunity for two-way dialogue between you – our owners and guests – and the Good Foods Board and Staff. The focus of the conversation will be centered on the following: the unique Principles and Values of Co-ops, the dynamics of the changing retail grocery landscape, the growth and expansion process, and the owner experience.

Town Hall Forum Sessions:
Thursday, October 6th
9:00 am – 10:30 am, 

Sunday, October 9th
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Wednesday, October 12th
7:00 pm Р8:30 pmForum sessions will be held in the Community Room adjacent to the Caf̩.
Please join us at one of the three Town Hall Forums. We want to hear from you!