The Good Foods' Blog

Keeping Families Fed in Uncertain Times

Families still want good nutrition for their children despite challenges.

This piece was originally published in our “Fresh Bites” Spring 2021 Owner Newsletter.

It feels like every aspect of our lives has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are quite literally in survival mode every day. But through it all, we still have to find ways to keep ourselves and our families fed. This has been more challenging due to supply shortages at the grocery store, the suspension of K-12 in-person learning and in too many cases, lost wages due to the economic downturn. 

So how do we maintain good nutrition to support our immune systems, even during the most uncertain times? First, let go of the need to be perfect. No one should be expected to operate “business as usual” when we are facing a literal global health crisis. After that, I think it’s about getting back to basics—preparing simple, wholesome meals that meet your family’s nutrition needs without adding more stress to everyday life. 


Balanced meals and snacks at home

The USDA now uses a plate graphic to illustrate what a nutritionally complete eating pattern should look like. Divided into five sections, the plate image teaches us that at least half our daily intake should be comprised of a variety of fruits and vegetables, with grains/starches and protein making up the rest of the diet. Not everyone consumes dairy, so this portion of the graphic can be modified to fit your preferences (it’s primarily the calcium we’re looking to get here).


Good nutrition when times are tough

Of course, some families have been stressed more than others over the last year. With most kids attending school from home, many families who may have depended on school lunch programs are left wondering how they will meet that need. Thankfully, Fayette County Public Schools, along with several local organizations, have stepped in to make sure families don’t have to go without. Free meals continue to be distributed every day all over Lexington and surrounding areas. If you could use help putting food on the table right now, check out the resources listed below. 

FoodChain Mobile Meals & Snack

  • Lunch (youth 1-18 only) Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 11:30 am – 1 pm
  • Dinner (anyone) Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 5:30 pm – 7 pm


There are options for families who need help.

Fayette County Public Schools Meal Distribution

  • Pre-ordered meals are available for any students still learning remotely. All meals are still FREE for FCPS students.

    Visit the Glean KY Fayette County Urgent Need Food Map for more distribution sites.

Here at Good Foods, it’s our mission to provide access to healthy food for all. We have long been one of the only grocery stores to participate in the Kentucky Double Dollars Program. Spend $10 on your SNAP EBT card and receive a $10 local produce voucher. We also recently implemented our Super Saver Program, listing over 35 staple items at just above cost to work within a range of budgets. If you have questions about any of these programs, or are just looking for more ideas on how to shop on a budget and create nutritious meals, reach out to me at