It’s Time to Load the Larder

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm How nice it is to need a long sleeve shirt first thing in the morning, again. I can handle the hot days better when the earth cools off a little at night. The cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats all agree with me. As do the … Read More.

New Product Guide Fall 2021

Find out what’s new at Good Foods with our New Product Guide! Get the scoop on some of the latest items you’ll find on our shelves, what makes them unique and why you’ll want to try them out. If you’re looking for new ingredients to add a new twist to your favorite fall comfort foods, … Read More.

Why—and How—to Practice Gratitude

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free!   More than simply a glass-half-full attitude, the impacts of gratitude are rich and far-reaching. Read on to learn about … Read More.

7 herbal helpers

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free!   Have you ever wondered how our ancestors fended off dreaded seasonal viruses? It’s time to find out! We’re delving … Read More.

VIDEO: Blanch & Freeze Fresh Vegetables

Published by permission from Find recipes, plus information about your food and where it comes from at By: Hilah Johnson Blanching is a great way to preserve peak color, flavor and nutrition in vegetables. Hilah Johnson takes us through the simple steps for blanching your fresh veggies. Once blanched, they can be added to … Read More.

3 Brain-Boosting Recipes

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Looking to sharpen your thoughts? It’s quite simple. By eating a diet rich in ingredients such as nuts, dark leafy … Read More.

Bolster your kids’ immunity

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Navigating uncertain times is no small feat, especially for parents who are concerned about how to keep their kids happy … Read More.

Farm Fresh Breakfasts of Champions

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Folks new to local and seasonal eating often speak of all the “new” vegetables they have been learning to enjoy. I would contest there are no “new” vegetables, only new, or revived, varieties of the same ones I have been growing for six decades now—yes, I … Read More.

Healthy Kids Lunches

Published by permission from Find recipes, plus information about your food and where it comes from at By: Mandy Makinen Okay parents. We all know that back to school is, although bittersweet for our children, pretty good for us. Our children are again occupied in noble pursuits, they get regular exercise, they have plenty … Read More.

How bad is sugar, really?

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! The truth about sugar and kids’ health Consumption of junk food and added sugars might just change your child’s future. … Read More.