How To Make Working Out Work for You

Moving around doesn’t seem like it should be a hot button issue, but it’s surprisingly polarizing. People, especially on the internet, seem to be either so into exercising that it consumes their entire being (#FitFam #ExerciseAddict #CrossfitAllDayEverydayLiterallyLikeIShouldProbablyBePostingAboutItAgainAsSoonAsIFinishThisHashtag) or so against it that they will attempt to avoid it even at the risk of their own … Read More.

Cultivating Neighborliness

This post was written by guest blogger, Good Foods owner and all-around community superstar Ryan Koch. Fifteen years ago I was studying to become a clinical therapist. I also spent a lot of time each week scanning groceries at Good Foods. I was fairly new in town and this job helped me to meet a … Read More.

Town Hall Update: Your Voice Heard

Good Foods Co-op General Manager, Bill Bickford This past Sunday we held the second of two Owner Town Hall Meetings scheduled as a follow-up to our recent Annual Owner Report.  While not quite as heavily attended as the last event, we still had a solid turnout, and it was nice to have a dialog with … Read More.

Own a Part of Your Co-op!

Starting Tuesday, August 1st, the first 100 people to become new co-op owners will get a bag of goodies from local vendors. That’s in addition to all of the regular benefits like 10% off your first purchase, 20% off during semi-annual owner appreciation days, special weekly discounts, voting rights, possible patronage rebates and more! If … Read More.