A Good Baguette Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

I have a deep and abiding love for a good baguette.  Notice, I said a GOOD one. Ever since spending a semester in France back in college, I consider myself something of a baguette connoisseur, and in each of the various places I’ve lived since, I’ve always sought out the very best baguette. There was … Read More.

Eating For Winter Wellness

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens, Sampling Coordinator at Good Foods Co-op and also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She’s co-teaching a three-part class series that continues through March about diets and healthful eating with Annie Koempel, a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Raise your hand if you’ve been … Read More.

Resolutions That Resonate

The following post was provided by Lexington -based Emergency Physician, Ryan Stanton MD, FACEP. Dr. Stanton is the host and creator of syndicated TV show “Stanton MD” and owner of multimedia company Everyday Medicine, LLC.  Welcome to 2018. A new year always means new resolutions. Many of us will commit to high-flying goals that will likely … Read More.

A New Kind of Resolution

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens, Sampling Coordinator at Good Foods Co-op and also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Starting in January, she’ll be co-teaching a three-part class series about diets and healthful eating with Annie Koempel, a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Ahhh, a brand new year… … Read More.

7 Ways To NOT Mess Up Your Holiday Roast

Are you cooking for the family for the first time? Or maybe you just don’t cook all that much, but you’re in charge of the holiday meal? A popular entree choice for your special occasion is a beef tenderloin, and guess what? It’s a pretty forgiving and flavorful cut of meat. Plus, it’s worth trying … Read More.

Sugar & Spice: Shake Up Your Holiday Baking

Consuming sweet treats seems to be a rite of passage for holiday revelers. It isn’t officially the season of cheer if you aren’t experiencing a sugar crash at least once a week. At a certain point, though, that sugar overload seems to dampen the taste buds. It’s time to wake them up with some new … Read More.

A Guide To Winter Squash

We may already be in a December-holidays mindset, but when it comes to eating seasonally, squash is still king. Winter squash are harvested late summer through fall, then cured or “hardened off” in open air to toughen their exterior. This process ensures the squash will keep for months without refrigeration. When selecting any variety of … Read More.

Finding Community During Difficult Holidays

The holidays were always a magical and cherished time of year for me as a child and young adult, with plenty of traditions to look forward to. Dad serving up the Christmas Eve lasagna. We’d do Thanksgiving with my mom’s family each year and I could expect my favorite dishes to grace the table each … Read More.

Talk Turkey To Me

It’s time! My most favorite meal of the year is upon us. Well, meals if we want to be accurate. Like most people these days, my Thanksgiving celebrations stretch out over many weeks. Between multiple friendsgivings and family Thanksgivings for both myself and my boyfriend, I eat Thanksgiving dinner a handful times, and I’m totally OK … Read More.

A Truckload of History & Amazing Anniversary Deals

We have much to celebrate at Good Foods Co-op. This month marks National Co-op Month and November marks our 45th anniversary. In an effort to share our celebrations with our loyal shoppers and mark this proud milestone, we’ll be having a Truckload Sale Friday, October 13 through Sunday, October 15 (while supplies last). Not only … Read More.