8 Causes of Hypertension

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Normal blood pressure is about 120 over 80. The first (top) number indicates the pressure in your arteries when your … Read More.

Make It a Seafood Summer

Reprinted by permission from grocery.coop. Find recipes, plus information about your food and where it comes from at grocery.coop. Salmon Veggie Packets Serves: 4. Prep time: 30 minutes; 15 minutes active. 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 small red bell pepper, chopped 1 small red onion, slivered 8 large green olives, pitted and chopped 1 teaspoon … Read More.

Make-Ahead Salads That Get Better With Time

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free!   This time of year, our appetites once again awaken to the delicious freshness of salads. And, as plant-based eating … Read More.

Femtech to the Rescue

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Ladies—wish you could buy eco-friendly, washable undies that hold the equivalent of four regular tampons or secretly pump breastmilk with … Read More.

How to Survive Allergy Season

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Hiding under a blanket of tissues through allergy season is no way to spend springtime! With simple tweaks to your … Read More.

2021 Food Co-op Impact Report

By: Co+op   Together We Can Change Things Food co-ops are community-owned grocery stores with the power to drive BIG change. How big? We have a vision for our food system that prioritizes people’s wellbeing — from the fields to factories, cashiers to cooks and everyone in between. We are working towards the day when … Read More.