Everyone Has a Story to Tell

This post was written by guest blogger Sylvia Lovely, a Lexington restauranteur, radio show host, author, speaker and teacher, for our upcoming online class in partnership with the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning, “Writing the Stories of Your Life”, happening via Zoom as a 3-part workshop starting November 4th.  “To be a person is … Read More.

Plant Your Garden Now for Next Year

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm The first of this October’s full moons—there are two—is known as the harvest moon. It’s the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox and casts enough light for gathering up the grains well into the evening. For those of us who grow produce, we take the … Read More.

Supplements for Immunity? What the Science Says

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! In recent years, scientists have been studying many natural products for their potential roles in supporting our immune … Read More.

Unique Co-op Strength During the Pandemic

This article is provided by our long-time vendor, Equal Exchange, a worker-owned co-op supporting fair trade practices among their dozens of member farm co-ops around the world.   Manduvirá sugar co-op in Paraguay prepared and gave out 950 plates of food to vulnerable families in the community. Equal Exchange works with farmer co-ops in over … Read More.

Eat for Your Mood with Healthy Comfort Meals

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Whether it’s certain nutrients in particular foods, or comfort food dishes that make you feel all cozy inside … Read More.

You Gotta Try This: New Product Spotlight

There’s always something new to try at the Co-op, and unless you have an unlimited budget and appetite (which I’m guessing very few of us do), the hardest part of trying something new may be knowing which new product to add to your cart. I’ve tested out some of these new additions to our product … Read More.

A Foray into Fermentation

Ryan Koch and Steve Pavey from Counterculture Ferments make “kraut chi” and other fermented foods for our community to enjoy. We asked Ryan how and why he got into fermentation and what his early lessons taught him. Steve and I were both inspired by the work of Sandor Katz, particularly his book The Art of Fermentation. In … Read More.

The Commonwealth of Healthy Eating

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm The genesis of my writing about food and farm subjects was having to, for years, watch people my wife, Ann, and I know and love make lousy food choices, which in turn would have a collective impact on our Big Blue Nation. Consuming industrial foods harms … Read More.

Perfectly Preserved Produce

My favorite thing about most events is the food, and summer is no exception. In “The Before Times”, picnic, cookout and vacation foods were some of my favorites. Now that we don’t really have those things anymore, I’ve been focusing on my runner-up of fave foods: summer produce. Fresh corn, peaches and tomatoes are some … Read More.

Cold Brew It Yourself

Over the course of this balmy Kentucky summer, I have consumed a lot of cold brew. I love a hot coffee (with cinnamon creamer) in the cooler months, but when it’s hot outside, the cold stuff (with milk) is all I crave.  Like the name suggests, cold brewing coffee is a method by which coarsely … Read More.