Common Questions and Answers About a Gluten-Free Diet

  This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens, Floor Manager and resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Good Foods Co-op. It’s a very brief overview of what she’ll be discussing in her May 23rd class: Gluten-Free Fundamentals. You can get details and buy tickets here.   Photo credit: What is the gluten-free diet? The … Read More.

Town Hall Update: Your Voice Heard

Good Foods Co-op General Manager, Bill Bickford This past Sunday we held the second of two Owner Town Hall Meetings scheduled as a follow-up to our recent Annual Owner Report.  While not quite as heavily attended as the last event, we still had a solid turnout, and it was nice to have a dialog with … Read More.

Town Hall Update: Your Questions Answered

Good Foods Co-op General Manager, Bill Bickford This past Sunday, Good Foods hosted the first of two scheduled Owner Town Hall Meetings to discuss the future of our Co-op following the publication of our Annual Owner Report. This was not the first time we’ve held such an event. The board began hosting these opportunities to … Read More.

For the Love of Your Heart

How plants naturally grow in Kathryn’s world probably It’s that time of year when everyone seems to be thinking and talking about love, affection and, the most romantic of all topics, how to reduce your chances of suffering a potentially horrific cardiac episode. Judging by a super scientific poll I did inadvertently by overhearing my … Read More.

A Lot to Love About Valentine’s Day

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens our Sampling Coordinator, Floor Manager and resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Good Foods Co-op. She’s also a self-professed romantic and lover of all things related to LOVE, which includes loving yourself through food. She’s co-teaching a three-part class series that continues through March about diets and healthful … Read More.

Game Day Grub Guide

How I feel when I watch football. I can think of plenty of things I would rather watch than a football game. Grass growing, paint drying and just a blank wall immediately come to mind. I’m not knocking football fans; as a matter of fact, I have tried to become one. For multiple years. I … Read More.

Drink To Your (Gut) Health

I’ve never been much of a bandwagon jumper. I don’t know what clothes are trendy. I can’t remember the last time I listened to new music on purpose. I just started watching Game of Thrones two months ago (and, if things continue as they have been will be finished some time in the next two … Read More.