How You Can Have Health at Every Size®

This article was first featured in the spring edition of Fresh Bites, our quarterly owner newsletter. As a dietitian, one of my primary goals is to help folks make peace with food and body. I care far less about what you eat than your overall relationship to food. However, this was not always the case. At … Read More.

4 Things I Learned From a Low-FODMAP Diet

This post was written by guest blogger, future dietitian, zero-waste warrior and amazing Instagrammer (if you’re into food photos), Brandon Pearson. In a sea of diet trends, the low-FODMAP diet is starting to make headlines here in the United States as a treatment for IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The diet was originally developed at … Read More.

Owner Appreciation Days… Your Way!

This article was first featured in our Spring 2019 Newsletter & Annual Owners Report. To see the full version, click here. As a cooperative business, one of the most important things we do is listen. And when it comes to listening, one of the most important stakeholder groups we need to be listening to is, … Read More.

Organics and Pollinators: Making Food Happen

By: Claudia Broman  A simple lunchtime meal could look drastically different without bees. We can thank these pollinators for making food happen about one out of every three times we take a bite of many of our favorite foods like blueberries, peaches, blackberries, grapefruit, raspberries, oranges, pears and plums. As pollinators, bees flitting around apple orchards … Read More.

Adventures of a Nut Milk Novice

I am not a nut milk enthusiast by nature. In fact, milk (cow’s milk, that is) was my favorite drink from age 0-28 or so. As I got older and, like many adults, my body had less ability to effectively digest cow’s milk, I started cutting back. A few years ago when I switched to … Read More.

3 Tips to Ease into Plant-Based Eating

This post was written by Annalaura Maranville, a member of your Co-op Cafe Team and a plant-based eating enthusiast. Eight years ago, I stumbled upon a brochure about veganism. I’d been in an on-again-off-again relationship with vegetarianism for years, but on this particular day, I was struck with an unavoidable conviction to go fully vegan. After … Read More.