Expanding Your Child’s Palate

By: Molly Herrmann for Co-op, Stronger Together There is nothing that can turn a good day to bad faster than coming home and trying to feed your child dinner (emphasis on the trying.) It can be a very frustrating experience if your child has limited foods they are willing to eat or if they liked … Read More.

Fast Food the Healthy Way

Fast. Probably also food. Fast food is great because it’s fast, but, more often than not, it’s not the best thing to put into your body and sometimes barely qualifies as food. The good news is, it doesn’t have to involve a drive-through or come with a side of fries. It’s possible to do fast … Read More.

Real Talk: Protein, and How Much You Really Need

By: Jesse Haas for Co-op, Stronger Together   I run around with a group of incredibly active and strong people, several of whom also enjoy a friendly weightlifting competition now and then. It’s been interesting seeing how their diets have changed to keep up with the nutritional demands of their training. Their focus, in large part, is … Read More.

2019’s Top Diet: A Dietitian’s Perspective

I am not the kind of dietitian who likes traditional diets or “dieting.” I am all about eating more fruits and vegetables, making more of your grains whole and incorporating additional healthy fats into your everyday eating. But if you’re going to try a new diet this year, there is one I feel a bit … Read More.

5 Ways to Get Past the Guilt of Holiday Eating

It’s frankly impossible to get through the holidays without either saying yourself or hearing someone else say something shameful about indulging in food. “I had three cookies! I’m so bad!” “Wine and cheese tonight, extra treadmill time tomorrow!” “I’m being good… no seconds for me!” I’m gonna go out on a limb and say we … Read More.

Holiday Meats: A Guide

Food is an important element of many holidays (and my favorite thing about some holidays. Grilled everything on Labor Day? Don’t mind if I do). The protein of the meal is often the centerpiece of gatherings of family and friends, and sometimes even involves a traditional recipe handed down through generations. But just because your … Read More.

DIY Gifts That Pamper

DIY gifts are not only cost-effective, they are very personal gifts that can be customized for the recipient. Many of the ingredients you need to make amazing food and body care gifts can be found for great prices at your Co-op! We asked our crafty staff for their favorite DIY gifts and how to make … Read More.

The New Product Lowdown

Maintaining a fresh, exciting product mix is something Good Foods Co-op strives to do. Our buyers are continually bringing in new products for our shoppers and they base the decisions about what to buy on your requests, current trends, what’s new for the season and items that align with our store ethos. I recently hit up … Read More.