For the Love of Your Heart

How plants naturally grow in Kathryn’s world probably It’s that time of year when everyone seems to be thinking and talking about love, affection and, the most romantic of all topics, how to reduce your chances of suffering a potentially horrific cardiac episode. Judging by a super scientific poll I did inadvertently by overhearing my … Read More.

A Lot to Love About Valentine’s Day

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens our Sampling Coordinator, Floor Manager and resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Good Foods Co-op. She’s also a self-professed romantic and lover of all things related to LOVE, which includes loving yourself through food. She’s co-teaching a three-part class series that continues through March about diets and healthful … Read More.

Game Day Grub Guide

How I feel when I watch football. I can think of plenty of things I would rather watch than a football game. Grass growing, paint drying and just a blank wall immediately come to mind. I’m not knocking football fans; as a matter of fact, I have tried to become one. For multiple years. I … Read More.

A Good Baguette Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

I have a deep and abiding love for a good baguette.  Notice, I said a GOOD one. Ever since spending a semester in France back in college, I consider myself something of a baguette connoisseur, and in each of the various places I’ve lived since, I’ve always sought out the very best baguette. There was … Read More.

Eating For Winter Wellness

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens, Sampling Coordinator at Good Foods Co-op and also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She’s co-teaching a three-part class series that continues through March about diets and healthful eating with Annie Koempel, a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Raise your hand if you’ve been … Read More.

Drink To Your (Gut) Health

I’ve never been much of a bandwagon jumper. I don’t know what clothes are trendy. I can’t remember the last time I listened to new music on purpose. I just started watching Game of Thrones two months ago (and, if things continue as they have been will be finished some time in the next two … Read More.

Resolutions That Resonate

The following post was provided by Lexington -based Emergency Physician, Ryan Stanton MD, FACEP. Dr. Stanton is the host and creator of syndicated TV show “Stanton MD” and owner of multimedia company Everyday Medicine, LLC.  Welcome to 2018. A new year always means new resolutions. Many of us will commit to high-flying goals that will likely … Read More.

A New Kind of Resolution

This post was written by our own Kathryn Dickens, Sampling Coordinator at Good Foods Co-op and also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Starting in January, she’ll be co-teaching a three-part class series about diets and healthful eating with Annie Koempel, a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Ahhh, a brand new year… … Read More.

7 Ways To NOT Mess Up Your Holiday Roast

Are you cooking for the family for the first time? Or maybe you just don’t cook all that much, but you’re in charge of the holiday meal? A popular entree choice for your special occasion is a beef tenderloin, and guess what? It’s a pretty forgiving and flavorful cut of meat. Plus, it’s worth trying … Read More.

Hanukkah Help for Everyone

I like to think I’m well-informed about things and Hanukkah is no exception. I learned about it for three minutes during an assembly in Kindergarten, I had a Jewish acquaintance in middle school, and I know every word to Adam Sandler’s Chanukah Song, so I figured I knew everything there is to know about the … Read More.