Sustainable Entertaining in 3 Easy Steps

Do you enjoy entertaining but want to make it more sustainable for the planet (and your wallet)? You don’t have to spend a lot or make it complicated to create a delicious and environmentally friendly meal your guests will love. Whether you’re throwing a summer barbecue for co-workers or hosting a celebration for extended family, … Read More.

Pickle in the Nickel (of Time)

Pickling can be just that—a pickle. True pickling is an ancient miracle for food preservation, but involves a drawn-out fermentation process requiring canning equipment, sterilization procedures and a whole lotta waiting around. Kudos to you if that’s up your alley, but the truth is, some of us simply don’t have the time or patience to … Read More.

Celebrating America with Exotic Meats

U-S-A! U-S-A! Independence Day is a time to celebrate the things that make our country great like liberty, diversity and, apparently, hamburgers. An average American eats three burgers a week and on the 4th of July, Americans are 117% more likely to go for a hamburger than on an average day. That’s a lot of meat. If … Read More.

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

One of my favorite pieces of nutrition advice is maybe the simplest: eat more fruits and vegetables. You may be rolling your eyes at the “basic” nature of that wisdom, but according to the CDC only 1 in 10 Americans gets the recommended 5 daily servings. No matter what your dietary preferences or needs, upping … Read More.