3 Recipes Perfect for Patio Dining

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! It’s patio season! Try these three swoon-worthy elevated dishes… Kick your favorite outdoor dishes up a gastronomic notch! These make-ahead sumptuous … Read More.

5 Steps to Amazing Homegrown Tomatoes

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Most people will complete this sentence the same way: The thing I most look forward to every summer is…homegrown tomatoes. The only substitute is a tomato grown by a local farmer who nurtures lots of them and caringly shares them with their customers. Sure, sweet corn … Read More.

Listen to Your Gut: Learn Intuitive Eating

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. Intuitive eating is just the beginning! You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Research has shown that restrictive diets don’t lead to long-term healthy weight. While this may, … Read More.

The Farmer Behind The Cooperative CSA

Each year, hundreds of folks choose Good Foods Co-op as the pickup location for their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share. One of the CSA options they can choose from is The Cooperative CSA, a collaboration between Good Foods Co-op and a collection of local farms including Rolling Fork Organic Farm, Casey County Organics and Salad … Read More.

Eggs Anytime

This piece was originally published in our “Fresh Bites” Spring 2021 Owner Newsletter, and was published by permission from Co+op, welcome to the table. Find recipes and information about your food and where it comes from at www.welcometothetable.coop. An ordinary egg offers delicious versatility for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Shakshuka with Spinach Shakshuka is a dish … Read More.

3 Sizzling Salads

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. Sizzling salads are just the beginning! You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Fire up the grill for these spring dishes Practically anything can sizzle over a flame, … Read More.

2020 Food Co-op Impact Report

Posted by permission from Co+op, welcome to the table. Find recipes and information about your food and where it comes from at www.welcometothetable.coop.   What is a food co-op? We’re your friendly, democratically controlled, community-owned grocery store. Unlike corporate chains, we’re independent and owned by folks in the community who shop here. Everyone is welcome … Read More.

The Decade+ Brigade

This piece was originally published in our “Fresh Bites” Spring 2021 Owner Newsletter. A huge part of what makes the Co-op so special is its people, and with so many staff members in the decade-plus club, we wondered what magic keeps them around. Here’s what they had to say…   WHAT KEEPS YOU HERE? How … Read More.

Kentucky: Home of the Best Food in the World

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Out here on the banks of the Elkhorn Creek, our tractors turn soil, rich with microbes metabolizing minerals to nourish crops to feed people. By feeding our soils with cover crops and grazing livestock on (with) them, we are able to provide food for people as … Read More.

Co-op Unveils New Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Good Foods Co-op, in partnership with Evolve KY and Fayette Electrical Service Inc, is proud to introduce Lexington’s latest electric vehicle charging station in the co-op parking lot, furthering their mission of sustainability and concern for community. The two charging plugs are available to EV drivers free of charge, offering another “power up” oasis in … Read More.