Putting The “Rad” in Radish

In Kentucky, we are just starting to see the first fruits of the local spring growing season. This time of year we have greens, asparagus, strawberries (soon) and one oft-overlooked and under-utilized vegetable, the radish. Radishes offer a satisfying crunch when raw and a depth of flavor when cooked. They’re a good source of vitamin … Read More.

Waste Less Food, Save More Money (and the Planet)

By: Co+op, stronger together It’s estimated that on a household level, families throw away 14-25% of the food they buy. Imagine saving up to a quarter of your food budget with just one step: waste less food! In addition to financial savings, reducing food waste at home is one of the best things you can do to … Read More.

Regenerative Farming: Getting Back to Real Food

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Customers at the farmers market have been asking more questions about regenerative agriculture lately. What does it mean? Is it better than sustainable or organic? Maybe this little story will help to frame it for you. According to Webster, to regenerate is to bring into existence … Read More.

Honor Earth Month with Zero Waste Shopping

April is Earth Month, a wonderful time to reflect on how we’re impacting our planet and maybe explore a new, greener habit. Zero waste shopping is one way to greatly minimize your impact, and there are so many options to get started! Here at the Co-op, we’re researching the best zero waste shopping strategies and … Read More.

How You Can Have Health at Every Size®

This article was first featured in the spring edition of Fresh Bites, our quarterly owner newsletter. As a dietitian, one of my primary goals is to help folks make peace with food and body. I care far less about what you eat than your overall relationship to food. However, this was not always the case. At … Read More.

4 Things I Learned From a Low-FODMAP Diet

This post was written by guest blogger, future dietitian, zero-waste warrior and amazing Instagrammer (if you’re into food photos), Brandon Pearson. In a sea of diet trends, the low-FODMAP diet is starting to make headlines here in the United States as a treatment for IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The diet was originally developed at … Read More.

Owner Appreciation Days… Your Way!

This article was first featured in our Spring 2019 Newsletter & Annual Owners Report. To see the full version, click here. As a cooperative business, one of the most important things we do is listen. And when it comes to listening, one of the most important stakeholder groups we need to be listening to is, … Read More.