Tofurkey Products Returning To Shelves Soon

Tofurkey makes some of our best-loved products, but the company has been having some significant issues lately which has prevented us from being able to offer things like their ever-popular deli slices among other things. Liana Davis, Customer Service Representative for the Tofurkey Company expects production to be back to normal by the end of … Read More.

A Changing Grocery Landscape, A Growing Need For Co-ops

It’s now been three years since your Board of Directors granted me the privilege to lead Good Foods Co-op following the retirement of long-time General Manager Anne Hopkins in 2014.  In that time, Lexington has seen incredible change in the local grocery market, mirroring the industry trends occurring nationwide. Euclid Kroger reopened shortly after I … Read More.

A Truckload of History & Amazing Anniversary Deals

We have much to celebrate at Good Foods Co-op. This month marks National Co-op Month and November marks our 45th anniversary. In an effort to share our celebrations with our loyal shoppers and mark this proud milestone, we’ll be having a Truckload Sale Friday, October 13 through Sunday, October 15 (while supplies last). Not only … Read More.

Modern Day Malnutrition

Article by Mac Stone and published here courtesy of the Elmwood Stock Farm newsletter. I listened to a radio program discussing how the vast US agricultural industrial complex is leaving us malnourished while trying to provide affordable food to the rest of the world. It stated that the majority of US eaters are consuming way … Read More.

Hurricanes’ Effects Will Be Felt In Kentucky For Some Time To Come

Hurricanes have devastated much of the southern United States over the past few weeks and even for those of us here in Kentucky, that weather is causing some conundrums. Photo credit: Produce peril is one thing that will most likely have a direct effect on what we eat throughout the winter and what’s available … Read More.

Easy Dinner Solutions

It’s almost fall, and as the heat and humidity finally begin to simmer down here in Lexington (whew!), often our schedules tend to amp up. September marks the migration back to the classroom! With this comes more planning, more hustling, and way less down time in the evenings as homework and projects must be completed … Read More.

Help Us Help Houston

We’re collecting donations for victims of Hurricane Harvey thanks to our Give Where You Live partner God’s Pantry Food Bank and their parent organization Feeding America. You can drop bottled water and non-perishable ready-to-eat food (like protein bars, nuts, etc.) at the barrel in our cafe. To donate money directly to Feeding America’s hurricane relief … Read More.

“Fresh Bites” September 2017 Newsletter

September bridges the gap between hot summer days and crisp fall nights. It’s an exciting time that incorporates lots of flavors here in Kentucky; the end of the summer squashes and the welcoming of apple season. Our latest edition of “Fresh Bites” is packed full of recipes, easy weeknight dinner ideas, an introduction to our … Read More.