Spring Garden Goodness

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Home gardeners know the joy, the excitement, the feeling of accomplishment when they consume food that they cared for from a seed. There can be no food any fresher, and we know taste and flavor comes with that freshness. Be it a cherry tomato plant in … Read More.

Insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! For decades, cholesterol has been vilified as the key factor driving heart attacks and strokes. While new drugs can drastically reduce LDL … Read More.

Black-Owned at Good Foods

It’s Black History Month, and in celebration of this important time, we wanted to highlight some of the Black-owned companies you can find right now on the shelves of your Co-op. On your next trip to the store, look for these brands and maybe try a new-to-you product while supporting some phenomenal Black producers in … Read More.

Start Your Self-Care Plan

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free!   You’ve likely read time and again that self-care is something we’re supposed to do, and maybe you’ve even dabbled in it … Read More.

Simple Homemade Breads

Fresh, homemade breads not only warm up your home with their enticing aromas, they also surely soothe the soul as only carbs can. Making your own bread at home allows you to customize the ingredients and flavors to your tastes while also leaving the stabilizers and preservatives often necessary for shelf-stable loaves out of the … Read More.

Easy Meals Hiding in Your Pantry

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! Let’s get back to basics: how’s your pantry looking? A well-stocked pantry can be your best friend and maybe even the spark you … Read More.

Comfort Foods From the Farm

By: Mac Stone, Farmer & Owner, Elmwood Stock Farm Having only left the farm a handful of times since March, Ann and I have enjoyed nothing but homegrown meals for nine months as of this writing. We did get carry-out from an old favorite restaurant twice, but other than that, it was farm-cooked. Fortunately, we … Read More.

31 Days to Zero Waste in 2021

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! You can also find more zero waste shopping tips on our website. We’re using up earth’s resources much faster than they can be … Read More.

8 Ways to Practice Hygge, The Danish Art of Coziness

Article provided by Alive Publishing Group. You can find more great articles anytime on alive Connect, or grab a copy of the latest printed issue of alive Magazine next time you’re in Good Foods Co-op. It’s free! The Danish word hygge (pronounced “hoo-gah”) lacks an English equivalent, but can be roughly translated as “coziness.” Conjuring images of snuggling around a … Read More.

The Co-op Difference During a Pandemic

By Robert Walker, Retail Operations Manager This piece was originally published in our “Fresh Bites” Holiday 2020 Owner Newsletter. As many of us begin searching our closets for our favorite jacket, sweater or scarf, we’re also looking forward to the warmth of the holiday season. The holidays not only allow us to create special memories … Read More.