The Bottom Line on Bulbs

This post was written by our Plant Wrangler, Collin Lloyd. Now that temperatures are creeping close to freezing, it may not seem like the best time to get out in the garden, but in order to ensure the best blooms in the spring, it’s time to get some things in the ground. First, it’s important … Read More.

No-Compromise Dairy Alternatives

For plant-based eaters and the lactose intolerant, finding no-compromise dairy alternatives can sometimes present a challenge. First and foremost, the substitute has to taste good. Secondly, it has to be nutritious in some way—similar to its dairy-based counterparts. Dairy offers a balance of nutrients to keep you satisfied and nourished. Anything designed to mimic it … Read More.

Five Fab Facts About Co‑ops

By: Co+op, stronger together   We think co-ops are fabulous. Cooperation is, after all, a word that implies people working together towards the same end, mutually benefitting one another and the larger community. Both economically beneficial and socially responsible, these community-minded businesses make the world a better place—and that’s a beautiful thing. Here are five fab … Read More.

How to Make Tea Work for You

It’s easy to stereotype people who drink hot tea. The Queen of England drinks hot tea. The Dowager Countess of Grantham drinks hot tea. Captain Jean Luc Picard drinks hot tea. But I realized recently when I was nearly injured by the tea boxes that regularly explode out of my cabinet, that tea isn’t just … Read More.

Are All Alternative Sweeteners Created Equal?

As many people try to reduce the amount of refined sugar (sucrose) in their diets, natural alternative sweeteners are increasing in popularity, especially among our Co-op shoppers. But there is still a lot of confusion surrounding these sweeteners—what they are, how they are used and which is the best choice. I’ll try to answer some … Read More.

Making the Most of Your Garden Harvest

This article was written by our God of Guac and Produce Buyer Extraordinaire, Richard Vanderpool (pictured right). Did you know that 29% of Americans pick fall as their favorite time of year? I mean, what’s not to love? The kids are back in school, the days are cooler and you can practically feel the air … Read More.

Tahlsound: Southland’s Music Festival

This month, Tahlsound Music Festival returns for its third year, filling Southland drive with an eclectic, homegrown mix of live music for two days. In honor is this annual event, we wanted to learn more about this festival’s beginnings, directly from the folks who got it off the ground. Tahlsound Co-founder Brandon Pittard shares the … Read More.